To be responsible for the content, quality, and progress of teaching and learning of general management subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate training programs of the BSNEU.
To be responsible for the content, quality, and progress of teaching and learning of general management subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate training programs of the BSNEU.
Developing and completing course content, compiling textbooks and reference materials related to the subject group on general management of training programs at BSNEU
Research and improve teaching methods, test, evaluate, organize academic activities to improve the quality of training in general management.
Responsible for setting exam questions and marking exams for all subjects assigned by the Department.
Scientific research and technological development, implementation of science and technology services according to the plan of NEU and BSNEU.
Develop a plan to develop the faculty and scientific staff of the department; participate in training and fostering scientific staff in the field of expertise in general management.
Organize evaluation of management, training activities, scientific and technological activities of individuals and departments periodically at the request of BSNEU and NEU.
Manage facilities and equipment of the department
Perform other duties assigned by the President of NEU and Dean of BSNEU.